ActX makes it possible for your health care provider to personalize your health care using genetics. We provide actionable clinical information to both health care providers and their patients. Your health care professional can tell you if ActX is right for you. We do not provide this test to patients who have not been authorized by a licensed health care provider, although we are happy to provide you with materials to bring to your provider.

If your provider has not yet signed up for the ActX Service and you think that the ActX Service could be right for you, please print the following two items and bring them to your next appointment.

Authorization form for your healthcare provider

ActX brochure for your healthcare provider

  • Have you had any side effects from medications, or trouble finding an effective treatment?
  • Are you taking more than three medications?
  • Do you have two or more chronic conditions?
  • Are you familiar with your family history of cancer or other serious disease?
  • Are you adopted?
  • Do you plan on having children?
  • Would you want to know if you had a serious actionable disease risk?

Having genetic information analyzed means you may learn about future risks or current conditions. If you do not feel you can handle the information, you should not sign up for the service. ActX tests for a wide range of actionable genetic risks and drug-genome interactions. We focus on Actionable Genetics℠: risks that patients and physicians can do something about. ActX is a continuously updated service; genetic data will be frequently reanalyzed based on the latest medical evidence.

ActX is a screening service and not intended for the diagnosis of high risk patients. The Service looks only at selected variants (DNA variations) for the targeted genes and not for all possible genetic variants. The ActX Service is not intended for the diagnosis of patients at high risk of serious genetic conditions (such as a strong family history of breast cancer).

To learn more, please contact us at, or request more information.